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Upper St. Clair High School

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Induction Process

National Honor Society logo
he National Honor Society is a national organization recognizing high school students for their achievement in four areas: scholarship, character, leadership, and service.  The Upper St. Clair Chapter selects members in the second semester of the students’ junior year, so that the members can provide services to the school during the members’ senior year.
The students who are selected to become members of the National Honor Society must meet requirements in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Juniors who have attained a grade point average of 3.5 unweighted or above (no rounding) have satisfied the criteria for scholarship.  The academic qualification is based on a grade point average, not on weighted class rank, and the character qualification will be determined by examining students' disciplinary records.
Students who have met these academic and character requirements will receive a National Honor Society Candidate Survey in mid-February.  According to the National Honor Society Handbook, these “surveys are not applications for membership, and that review of information gathered does not guarantee election.” Any candidate who submits a survey does so with the knowledge that his/her character will be further evaluated and discussed by the Faculty Council.  If a student wishes to be recognized in the areas of character, leadership, and service, then the student must be willing to have these areas discussed and evaluated.  If the student considers discussion of his character to be a violation of his/her privacy, then he/she does not have to submit the survey for evaluation.
Surveys will be emailed in mid-February.  

Process Timeline:

  • An unweighted GPA is calculated in early February, at the start of the second semester.
  • The NHS candidate survey is given to all juniors who meet the 3.5 unweighted cumulative GPA (no rounding) and pass an initial disciplinary screening from the AP office informing them that the student has met the academic/character requirement.
  • The candidate survey includes information for prospective members about the goals and objectives of the National Honor Society and the selection process and requirements involving service, leadership and character.
  • The completed application is returned by the candidates who are interested in the National Honor Society organization to the advisor by the assigned date.
  • A Faculty Council reviews each candidate in terms of service, leadership and character. All names will be removed from the applications before review by the Faculty Council.
  • An email is sent to the students notifying them of the selection. All applicants will be notified.
  • A mandatory rehearsal and induction ceremony is held in early April.