Calculation of a weighted grade point average (5.0) and an unweighted grade point average (4.0) for each student is indicated on the transcript. Upper St. Clair High School does not rank students. Through much research, deliberation, and consultation with colleges and universities and competitive high schools comparable to Upper St. Clair, we have concluded that it best serves our students to eliminate class rank.
Our weighted grade point average system is reflective of the difficulty and workload of Honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and College in High School courses, and is calculated as follows:
Weighted GPA = Unweighted GPA + [.25/4S x (4A + 3B + 2C)], where
- 4 = reflects the expectation that four weighted classes be taken during each of the semesters that can be completed under the weighted system;
- S = represents the number of potential semesters that can be completed under the weighted system (8 semesters);
- A = the number of A's earned in Honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate courses;
- B = the number of B's earned in Honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate courses;
- C = the number of C's earned in Honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate courses.
The numbers 4, 3, and 2 inside the parentheses are the (unweighted) quality points awarded for that particular letter grade. Grades of "D" and "F" will not be weighted.
The additional value of .25 was chosen to represent the increased difficulty level of Honors, Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses.
In summary, each student's transcript will consist of an unweighted GPA (maximum possible 4.0) and a weighted GPA (maximum possible 5.0). Maximum possible weighted GPA’s at the end of each year are: 9th grade (4.25); 10th grade (4.5); 11th grade (4.75); mid-year 12th grade (4.875); and 12th grade (5.0). It is important to note that students cannot attain a weighted GPA of 5.0 until the end of their senior year when the final weighted GPA is calculated. For those students who take more than thirty-two Honors, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate courses, only the thirty-two highest grades in those courses will be included in the calculation of the final weighted GPA. Grades earned in all courses will be included in the calculation of the unweighted GPA.